Our commitment
When we deal with your issue we'll always:
- make it easy
- try to resolve it before it becomes a complaint
- learn from issues and complaints
When things go wrong
When you tell us an issue has occurred we will do our very best to resolve this quickly. The majority of issues raised are successfully resolved this way.
If you are reporting a nuisance around noise, dog fouling, parking or an issue with a neighbour, please refer to our antisocial behaviour reporting page, where you can contact us direct.
If you are reporting a repair to us for the first time, please refer to our repairs reporting page.
If you wish to raise an issue relating to a service which Coastline provides, action or lack of action taken by us, which may have fallen short of our customer service standards, please continue on this page.
Complaints made easy
Our Complaints Policy is in line with the Housing Ombudsman Service Complaint Handling Code.
You can make a complaint using the form below, or through My Coastline, or by contacting us in your preferred way.
We'll let you know we've received your complaint withing five working days. Once we have logged your complaint we will aim to resolve it within ten working days.
Our priority is to resolve your complaint quickly, fairly and thoroughly. We will consider your personal situation, keep you informed throughout and fully explain our decisions and actions.
Complaints form My Coastline Contact us