Minor repairs
You are responsible for things like changing light bulbs and unblocking drains. You are also expected to take reasonable care of your home, such as ensuring there is adequate ventilation and your home is regularly cleaned.
Some of the key things you are responsible for include:
- Blockages in sinks, showers, baths and toilets
- Replacing lightbulbs and tubes
- Keeping your garden tidy
- Washing machine and dryer plumbing
- Your own gas and electric appliances
- Toilet seats
- Sheds
- Carpets
- Internal doors
- Curtain rails
- Replacing lost keys or getting access to your home if you're locked out
Pest & vermin control
You are responsible for the removal of any larger pests, or pest infestations, such as rats and mice from your home, unless the infestation is due to a repair or structural fault that we are responsible for.
You are responsible for minor infestations such as wasps, flies and fleas, cockroaches, bedbugs, and ants within an individual home, unless it is in an internal communal area such as shared hallways or stairs in blocks or schemes.
For more information, download the Customer Handbook below.