Aids and minor adaptations
Coastline provides an aids and minor adaptations service to customers living in our rental homes to make your life easier. These simple alterations don’t involve lots of work or disruption to your home and can make a big difference. They can be fitted free of charge if you require them.
Simple aids & minor adaptations 'without delay'
- Lever taps
- Grab handles
- Banister rails
- Galvanised rails over external steps
- Optical smoke detectors for the hard of hearing
- Removal of internal thresholds and making safe
Anybody who is disabled can request a simple aid or adaptation, providing the cost is less than £500. We will arrange, pay for and complete the work within 60 working days (12 weeks) from the day you ask for the work, without the need for a professional assessment.
Minor adaptations (with assessment)
For some adaptations, you’ll need to be recommended by an occupational therapist to make sure the changes are suitable for your needs. We’ll pay for the work, as long as it costs less than £500. For any adaptations that exceed our cost threshold, your Occupational Therapist will take this forward as a major adaptation.
Once we’ve received the request, we’ll let you know how long it will take.
Contact us
To ask about any of these adaptations or to discuss your needs, send a message using My Coastline or contact us in any of the usual ways.
Contact us