Tenant Satisfaction Measures
Our annual customer surveys include questions set by the Regulator of Social Housing under its Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs), and we take the opportunity to ask non-regulatory questions about our services. Head to our performance page for full details on each TSM and our local performance measures.
Our approach for 2023/24
Acuity Research & Practice carried out our annual survey in May and June 2023. Customers were offered incentives to take part.
The TSM results were based on 1140 responses received from our rental customers during that time - 989 online and 151 by phone, a 25% response rate. This provided us with an accurate picture of how our customers felt about the services they received from us. If you took part, thank you for sharing your views.
This was the first of our annual surveys to be held under the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures introduced by the Regulator for Social Housing.
Acuity selected participants at random, whilst also ensuring they received feedback from customers across our different tenures, age groups and geographical areas. All of our different tenure types were covered by these regulatory requirements.
We also checked how representative our respondents were of our customer profile – looking into age group, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexuality and religion – to ensure we heard views from all backgrounds. Therefore, no weighting of the results was needed, and the results are reliable to a margin of error of +/- 2.5%.
If customers told us they were happy to be contacted about their response, and where any issues or concerns were raised, our Teams got in touch to discuss how we could put things right.
Any comments that were deemed a cause for concern were confidentially passed on during the survey duration for a relevant colleague to act on.
Leaseholders and Shared Owners were surveyed separately. We are not required to report their responses to the regulator because we have fewer than 1,000 homes of this type, but we took the opportunity to include them.
How did we do?
In the year 2023/24 the Tenant Satisfaction Measures show Coastline's performance for rental and shared ownership customers.
We were very pleased that our customers gave us an overall satisfaction rate of 81%. Summaries of the findings for Coastline's rental and shared ownership customers showed satisfaction with repairs and safety of their homes, and that we treat people fairly and with respect. Customers also told us that we’re easy to deal with.
However, the responses showed that we needed to improve our approach to handling complaints, anti-social behaviour and neighbourhood management.
The updates in the we're always listening section on our performance page show how we've listened and acted on your feedback.