Coastline Housing and the University of Exeter are working together to understand the problems that Coastline customers face when they start or run businesses, community groups, or charities.
This is your chance to help shape the services that Coastline Housing offer in the future.
We would like to talk to you about any problems you might have had or might expect in starting:
- a business
- a charity
- a community group
- self-employment
- selling goods (in person or online)
- providing services (in person or online)
- any other kind of enterprise
We hope this information will help Coastline provide better support for you and other customers who wish to start a business, community group or charity.
If you are interested in taking part, you will be invited to a small focus group of six to eight people, lasting around two hours, and/or a one-to-one phone interview, where you will be asked questions about any problems you might face. We will provide pasties and refreshments for the focus groups.
If you would like to join in, have any questions, or need some more information, please contact Karen Spooner by email:
This project is being run by the University of Exeter and is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.